Bicycles- To Pass or Not To Pass, and When? -Those are the Questions
Spring is here and, while there may not be many cars on the roads these days, there are a fair amount of bicyclists out there. It is a great time to ride a bike even though we have many other challenges upon us. So, you’re driving your car along a two-lane country road with no shoulder like almost every country road in Vermont. You see a biker up ahead, going in the same direction along your side of the road. Your first thought is- ‘Darn it!’ First, take a deep breath. This is a challenge and can be frustrating, even for us car drivers who are also bicyclists, but it is a bicycle, and like farm tractors and horses, they have the right to use the roads too. Another breath… Situation # 1- You see that the other lane is clear and that there are no blind hills or blind turns ahead. You ask yourself- “How much room do I need to give to this biker who is slowing me down?” Answer- You need to give them 4’ per Vermont...